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Martina Fuchs

Martina Fuchs - Professor at the Institute of Economic and Social Geography

Research focuses

Transnational Companies, Global Value Chains, Innovation, Digitalization, Start-ups and their Spatial Impacts, Regional Sustainability, Labour Geography, Ethics (Regional Social Responsibility), Emerging Economies, Global South, European Union


Curriculum vitae

  • Since 2004 Full Professor at the University of Cologne, Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences
  • 2002 - 2004 Full Professor in Human Geography at the University of Lüneburg
  • 2000 - 2002 Researcher at the University of Duisburg
  • 1999 - 2000 Deputy professor in Human Geography, University of Cologne
  • 1993 - 1999 Assistant and habilitation, University of Düsseldorf
  • 1991 - 1993 Volkswagen AG, European Works Council, Wolfsburg
  • 1988 - 1991 Scholarship for Dissertation and Ph.D., University of Frankfurt/Main

Selected publications


  • 2019. Michael Gessler, Martina Fuchs, Matthias Pilz (Hrsg.): Konzepte und Wirkungen des Transfers Dualer Berufsausbildung. Springer VS, Wiesbaden.

  • 2017. Martina Fuchs, Sebastian Henn, Martin Franz, Ram Mudambi (Eds.): Managing Culture and Interspace in Cross-border Investments. Building a Global Company. Routledge, London.

  • 2014. Worldwide Knowledge? Global Firms, Local Labour and the Region. Ashgate, Farnham/Burlington.

  • 2012. Martina Fromhold-Eisebith, Martina Fuchs (Hrsg.): Industrial Transition. New Global-Local Patterns of Production, Work, and Innovation. Ashgate, Farnham/Burlington.

Beiträge in referierten Zeitschriften

  • Fuchs, M., Dannenberg, P., López, T., Wiedemann, C., Riedler, T. 2022: Location-specific labour control strategies in online retail. ZFW – Advances in Economic Geography, Online First.

  • Fuchs, M., Westermeyer, J., Finken, L. Pilz, M. 2022: Foreign direct investment and local knowledge base: Embedding foreign subsidiaries in German dual vocational education and training. Raumforschung und Raumordnung | Spatial Research and Planning. Online First.

  • Fuchs, M., Dannenberg, P. & Wiedemann, C. 2022: Big Tech and Labour Resistance at Amazon. Science as Culture. 31(1), 29-43, DOI:

  • Fuchs, M. 2022: Knowledge transfer, power and empowerment: MNCs’ transfer of vocational education and training to their international subsidiaries. Die Erde, 153(1), 15-27 

  • Fuchs, M. 2022: MNCs’ open international strategy–local dynamics: transfer of German “vocational education and training” to emerging economies. critical perspectives on international business; 18 (1), 97-114.

  • Fuchs, M., Röhrer, N., Vogelsang, B. 2021: Companies as local skill-providers? The ‘skills ecosystem’ in Mexico. Erdkunde, 75 (4), 295-306.

  • Fuchs, M. 2021: Editorial: The impact of skills and training on local development. International Journal of Training and Development. The impact of skills and training on local development. International Journal of Training and Development, 25(4): 341-346.

  • Fuchs, M., Westermeyer, J., Finken, L., Pilz, M. 2021: Training activities in subsidiaries of foreign multinational companies: Local embeddedness in Germany? International Journal of Training and Development, 25(4), 341-346

  • Busch, H.-C., Mühl, C., Fuchs, M. & Fromhold-Eisebith, M. 2021: Digital urban production: how does Industry 4.0 reconfigure productive value creation in urban contexts?, Regional Studies. Online First.

  • Fuchs, M. 2020: Does the Digitalization of Manufacturing Boost a ‘Smart’ Era of Capital Accumulation? German Journal of Economic Geography, 64(2), 47-57.

  • Dannenberg, P., Fuchs, M., Riedler, T. and Wiedemann, C. 2020: Digital Transition by COVID‐19 Pandemic? The German Food Online Retail. TESG Tijds. voor econ. en Soc. Geog. (111), 543-560.