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Marketing Area Annual Report 2016

Now available online!

Some detailed insight into the scope of the work during the past twelve months with this 5th edition of the Annual Marketing Area Report.

The Marketing Area at the University of Cologne with Professors Bruno, Fischer, Imschloss, Reinartz, and Völckner — along with its team of post-doctoral researchers, doctoral students, secretarial and student assistants — looks back on a very busy and productive year 2016.

In terms of research, we are excited that the “Digital Transformation and Value Creation” initiative, which is coordinated out of the Marketing Area, constitutes one of the six key research profile areas at the Faculty of Economics, Management, and Social Sciences. Members of the Marketing Area presented their work on digital transformation and related fields at several conferences, including the Winter AMA (American Marketing Association) Conference in Las Vegas, the Annual ISMS Marketing Science Conference in Shanghai, and the Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC) in Oslo. Last but not least, we further strengthened our junior faculty and welcomed two new post-doctoral researchers to our team. The research section of this report provides a summary of this year’s publications, conference presentations, dissertations, awards, and research grants.


Click here to download the Marketing Area Report 2016.