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Master of Science

Programme Structure: Business Administration - Master Thesis (ER 2008)

Master Thesis

With the master thesis, which covers an amount of 24 credit points, students are supposed to prove their ability to work independently on a problem using scientific methods within a given deadline.

The topic of the master thesis should usually be chosen out of the area business administration. In addition the particular review board can also approve the choice of a different subject offered by the WiSo-Faculty. The various advanced seminars and projects during the study program can be seen as a pre-step to research orientated work.

The registration for the master thesis within the major can be made as soon as the student has achieved 48 credit points in the subject areas major and methods and techniques; or as far as the topic is assigned to a minor, as soon as 18 credit points have been achieved within the minor.

According to the given 24 credit points the processing time of the master thesis takes 720 working hours and is usually accomplished in the third and fourth semester.  60 pages should not be exceeded.