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University of Cologne in the SCM Journal List Ranking

First place in Germany

Eine Studentin und ein Student sitzen auf einer Treppe und unterhalten sich, dahinter der Schriftzug auf einem Bild: 600 Jahre Kölner Universität

The annual SCM Journal List ranking ranks universities’ supply chain management research output in the leading supply chain management journals. The current SCM Journal List Ranking by Analytically-Focused Journals ranks the University of Cologne in Germany on the first place before the TU Munich, WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management and the University of Mannheim. The international comparison shows the University of Cologne on the 52th place.

The SCM Journal List Ranking by Analytically-Focused Journals is based on output in journals that are primarily analytically-focused (Management Science, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, Operations Research, and Production and Operations Management).

The current SCM Journal List ranking and more information about the ranking can be found here: