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New at the WiSo Faculty: Paul Schempp

Welcome by Dean Prof. Dr. Mellis

[This content is not available in "Englisch" yet] Jun.-Prof. Dr. Paul Schempp

We warmly welcome Jun.-Prof. Dr. Paul Schempp as a new professor at the WiSo Faculty! Paul Schempp was appointed at the WiSo Faculty of the University of Cologne on the 1 April 2017 and has already been welcomed by our Dean Prof. Dr. Werner Mellis. He is now working as Assistant Professor for Economics at the Center for Macroeconomic Research (CMR) of the University of Cologne.

After earning his PhD on from Bonn University he worked for two years as a PostDoc at the Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods, Bonn. His main research interest is the theory of financial intermediation and bank regulation.