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Memorial conference in honor of Reinhard Selten (1930-2016)

Friday, April 28th 2017 in Bonn

Professor Reinhard Selten

Photo: Universität Bonn

The University of Bonn and the University of Cologne are hosting a memorial conference in honor of Reinhard Selten (1930-2016) and his outstanding contributions to Economics.

The aim is to bring together renowned speakers presenting work connected to or inspired by Selten’s research. The conference will take place on Friday, April 28th 2017 at the Günnewig Hotel Bristol in Bonn, Germany.

For further information and registration, please see

About Prof Dr. Dr. Reinhard Selten

Reinhard Selten was a pioneer of the analysis of strategic interaction of both fully rational players (game theory) and boundedly rational humans (experimental economics). From 1984 until his death in 2016, he was associated with the University of Bonn, where he established one of the first experimental laboratories in economics. In 1994, Selten was awarded the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences, together with John Harsanyi and John Nash, for their pioneering analysis of equilibria in the theory of non-cooperative games.