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Ice Cream for the Environment!

The slightly different dessert NOMOO by WiSo alumnus Jan Grabow is now available in the Mensa

Gründer von NOMOO Jan Grabow im E-Cafe der Mensa

Did you know that cows emit an average of 586 billion litres of methane a day and that only one kilogram of methane has the same effect on the greenhouse effect as one hundred kilograms of CO2? Did you also know that around 70 billion farm animals are kept worldwide just to satisfy our cravings for milk, eggs and meat? 
The documentary "Cowspiracy" draws attention to this and the fact that the keeping, feeding and processing of farm animals would be one of the main causes of climate change. It also emphasizes that each individual could counteract climate change by renouncing animal products.

And that's exactly what Jan Grabow, founder of NOMOO and alumnus of the WiSo faculty, does. After watching the documentation one evening, he decided to live vegan from now on. But of course this is easier said than done. There are many substitutes nowadays, but the taste is usually the deciding factor and that wasn't good for Grabow. Therefore, he started to eat milk products and eggs again after only one month, because there were simply no good alternatives. However, in order for more people to be willing to do without animal products or to reduce their consumption, there must be exactly these on the market. Alternatives that are in no way inferior in taste to the original. 

Such a product is NOMOO. Ice cream in four different flavors. Natural, intense, plant-based. Together with Rebecca Göckel, Jan Grabow creates a product which, through the use of purely vegetable organic ingredients, protects the environment, increases animal welfare, is lactose-, gluten-, and soya-free and therefore also suitable for allergy sufferers. But the most important thing is of course the taste, because that's what the whole thing was about. Whether mango, raspberry, peanut or cocoa, all varieties taste intense and delicious. This is mainly due to the fact that particularly much of the respective conductive ingredient is processed in the ice cream. For example, a cup of peanut ice cream contains 84 exquisite peanuts or ¾ of a fruity mango is in a cup of mango ice cream. 

If you want to see for yourself and have not already bought the ice cream in one of the numerous cafés or supermarkets where it is offered, you can now also do so in the cafeteria/e-room of the University of Cologne. And who knows, maybe you will meet the founder himself, because from time to time he still likes to have lunch with old fellow students in the cafeteria. But Grabow is not only marked by the cafeteria food. His business studies at the WiSo Faculty also helped him to found a company. "I think that my business background has given me the courage to accept and master the challenge," says Grabow, even if in difficult situations it's not always professional competence that counts, but character traits such as determination, perseverance or optimism. "But in some way you have to possess these qualities for business studies at the University of Cologne." He thinks it's super cool that his own product is sold at his old university and also that more and more start-up products are offered in the cafeteria he sees as "a great development, which can continue like this!

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